
The Mark sofa embodies functionality and is great for everyday sleeping.
In just two moves, it can be easily converted into a bed with high-guality suspension springs.

Sofa with bed and drawer is most suitable for smaller apartment, holiday apartments, and holiday homes .

Mark LUX with bed and drawer

It also has a bulit-in spacious drawer

Vgrajen predal pod sediščem

When creating sofas with beds, we use materials of the highest guality, as they are ussualy in all-day use.
We build a durable wire core and latoflex slats both in the seating area and also in the bed part od the sofa.

Kavč mark LUX v sivi tkanini.

Elements and dimensions

Since the Mark sofa is designed as a convertible sofa, the minimum length is 190 cm. Nevertheless, some other changes and adaptations are possible.

Fabrics and colors

Mark sofa coverings are made of multi-colour fabrics or fabrics with patterns. Coverings can also be made of single-colour microfibres in different combinations (seats and backrest can be manufactured in one colour, and pillows in another).

Due to large surfaces, coverings are not made of leather.

More about fabrics for coverings

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